Equinox (Pvt) Ltd is proud to be awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures that our products and services meet the needs of our customers through an effective quality management system.
Equinox (Pvt) Ltd has invested great deal of time & effort preparing for this registration. This process required examining and documenting all of our internal processes, and making sure through internal audits that these processes are consistent. Equinox (Pvt) Ltd was audited by SGS – the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and Certification Company.
We have developed and implemented our quality management system in order to improve the overall performance, maintain a high-level of quality and strong customer service and to provide a sound basis for sustainable product and service initiatives. The decision to work towards ISO 9001:2015 accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing high-quality and consistent products and services to our customers and our ongoing investment in technology.
To become ISO 9001:2015 compliant, Equinox (Pvt) Ltd underwent an evaluation process that included quality management system development, a management system documentation review, audit and initial assessment which was very successful as we conformed with all specified requirements.
ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit Conducted by SGS, Pakistan

It is our immense pleasure to inform everyone that Equinox (Pvt) Ltd has achieved another great milestone in upgrading its registration in Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) from C4 category to C2. Currently EQX is the only company to enjoy the C2 category in the signaling domain of Pakistan Railways and also the highest Constructor’s Category Certification among all operating companies of Panasian Group.
With this C2 category Equinox (Pvt) Ltd has been licensed under the Construction and Operation of Engineering Works Bye-Laws 1987 to construct/operate engineering works up to a capital cost of PKR 1 Billion in various Civil and Electrical fields. Equinox (Pvt) Ltd has also been awarded four new Fields of Specialization namely CE-07, EE-07, EE-08, EE-11.
With the award of these Fields of Specialization, Equinox (Pvt) Ltd can now execute works related to General Civil Works, Railway Tracks, Low Voltage Installation, Internal and External Telecommunication Installation and Works, General Electrical Works, Solar Works and other miscellaneous specialized works. This achievement is an auspicious beginning and a massive stepping stone for upcoming CPEC Projects in Rail Sector.

It is our immense pleasure to inform you that Equinox PVT (LTD) has achieved yet another milestone in the “Up gradation of Bin Qasim Station”, the first signaling order in Pakistan Railways history that has been awarded to a local company. This is also the largest major signaling project ever awarded by Pakistan Railways in local currency.
This has established Equinox as being the only local Pakistani company to deliver and implement a state of the art CBI (Computer Based Interlocking) turnkey signaling project on a DDP Basis. Equinox won this project in an open international tendering process in October 2016.The project value is PKR 545 M.
The project comprises of supply/installation/testing/commissioning of imported and local equipment for the installation of CBI (Computer Based Interlocking) for efficient and proper train operation. Smooth and proper working of Bin Qasim station is critical in the supply chain of coal to the power plants up-country.
This project was divided into two phases by the customer. The first phase has been successfully delivered on 12th August, 2017. With the completion of this first phase successful train operation has been put into place by Pakistan Railways.
Phase 2 was successfully tested in May 2018 and its software installation was completed in December, 2018.
BQM Station Opening

We are delighted to inform you that Equinox has successfully completed the contract for the “Supply of 19 sets of 54 KG rail turnouts” awarded by PRFTC. This project was worth PKR 359 M.
In Feb 2017 Pakistan Railways Freight Transportation Company (PRFTC) floated an international tender on DDP basis for 19 sets of different types of turnouts (along with spares). Equinox participated in this tender with its Principal Qinhuangdao City Shanhaiguan Gongwu Equipment Factory (GWQC) and won the contract.
Our Customer PRFTC, a sister concern of Pakistan Railways, is responsible for providing linkage and transportation of coal to the coal fired power plant projects in Pakistan.
The turnouts are installed at Yousafwala Railway station near Sahiwal and are now being used to route the coal to the newly constructed coal fired power station.
These turnouts will also help automate Yousafwala station to facilitate the smooth and efficient coal transportation to the power plant through the CBI (Computer Based Interlocking).
This opportunity is a major breakthrough for Equinox in the track sector of Pakistan Railways and will allow Equinox to tap into the future opportunities in both the indigenous requirements of Pakistan Railways and the projects of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
Contract Signing Ceremony with PRFTC for the Supply of Turnouts